REVIEW (draw a picture of the Collection inheritance hierarchy) Collection, List, Set, SortedSet, ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeSet, HashSet What's a Map? Set of key/value pairs keys must be unique values not unique What are some examples of Maps? phone book (name -> number) dictionary (word -> definition) What are the operations on a Map? put get remove Map interface public interface Map { int size(); void clear(); boolean isEmpty(); Object put(Object key, Object value); Object get(Object key); Object remove(Object key); boolean containsKey(Object key); Set keySet(); Collection values(); Set entrySet(); public interface Entry { Object getKey(); Object getValue(); } } Why does Map not extend Collection? a map is a collection of pairs don't want to work directly with the pairs want to work with keys and values independently Why does Map not provide an iterator factory method? don't wan't to iterate over the pairs want to iterate over keys DEMO (, iterating over a Map) DEMO (, word frequency counter) What's a SortedMap? Map with entries sorted by key keySet and entrySet return SortedSets DEMO (change Map to SortedMap) Does SortedMap have any methods in addition to those in Map? SortedMap Interface public interface SortedMap extends Map { Object firstKey(); Object lastKey(); } Add Map stuff to Collection hierarchy drawing Map SortedMap HashMap TreeMap What's a Cross-Reference Generator? read source file find identifiers output identifiers in sorted order for each identifier x list line numbers where x occurs What data types could be used in a Cross-Reference Generator? Map to store (identifier/list of line numbers) pairs List to store list of line numbers What's the algorithm used in a Cross-Reference Generator? loop reading identifiers if identifier not in Map make new List add (identifier/List) to Map add line number to List iterate over Map output identifier iterate over List output line number DEMO (show and run